Program Overview
The Illinois Department on Aging (IDoA), in partnership with the Illinois Assistive Technology Program (IATP), provides assistive technology devices aimed at enabling social connectedness; maintaining health, safety, and well-being; and promoting independence and community living.
Who is Eligible?
Individuals over 60 should connect to an Area Agency on Aging (AAA), a AAA funded entity, a Community Care Program (CCP), or Adult Day Service (ADS) Center to learn about these programs.
What Devices Are Available?
What Happens Next?
If the form is completed and no questions are necessary, the device(s) will be shipped directly to the program participant, usually within 1-2 weeks of the referral. If additional questions are necessary based on the details in the referral, additional time will be needed before the device can be shipped.
Common reasons additional time may be required:
About the Illinois Department on Aging
The MISSION of the Illinois Department on Aging (New Page) is to serve and advocate for older Illinoisans and their caregivers by administering quality and culturally appropriate programs that promote partnerships and encourage independence, dignity, and quality of life.
Visit their website to learn more about the many programs and services they offer or contact the Senior Helpline at 1-800-252-8966.
Reporting Lost/Stolen/Damaged Equipment
Please use the following link to download the form for reporting lost, stolen, or damaged equipment. ICC Lost/Stolen/Damaged Form
The completed form should be returned to IATP at IATP.care@iltech.org
Project Resources
2024 User Guides
ICC iPad User Guide Large Print (PDF)
ICC iPad User Guide Large Print – Spanish (PDF)
ICC iPad User Guide Large Print – Simplified Chinese (PDF)
Technical Support
For technical support, we recommend first reviewing the User Guide that was enclosed in the package. The User Guide was designed to answer basic questions about the device, including overview of the device buttons, basic functions of apps, and information on how to set up accounts and email addresses. If you have other questions, please feel free to contact us in one of the following ways:
Telephone: IATP – 1-800-852-5110
For Illinois Relay Services: Dial 7-1-1
Email: iatp.care@iltech.org
Care Connections Impact
Learn more about how the Illinois Care Connections Program has made a positive impact in the lives of program participants in the ICC 2023 Summary Report (PDF).